A Collection of Digital Images
Paul Haeberli
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A short movie clip of the Pulgas water temple (244kB)
The following images were created using an
automatic image merging technique.
A lily composite
The Pulgas Water Temple
James Austin of Alchemy Metalworks
My desk composited from 5 images
These are photographs of the house of the Mazzotti family in Albisola near
Genoa, Italy. This building is a beautiful example of Italian
Futurist architecture.
The side of Casa Mazzotti in Albisola
The side door of Casa Mazzotti
The front of Casa Mazzotti
This picture was created using a
synthetic lighting technique.
Some candles before a mirror
The top of the Pulgas water temple
A duotoned image of a gear
6 video frame grabbed images of some tulips
Some tulip petals
Frank Lloyd Wright's home in Wisconsin
A description of how to make this
folded paper sculpture is available.
A beautiful gear
Lalique art glass
Some digitally stirred paint
Me, Me, Me
A stool by James Austin
An office table by James Austin
A detail of the construction of the desk
Two sun flowers
Tango: A crayon version of a painting by Kupka
Some hand made match boxes
Enhanced image of a transom on Jackson street in San Francisco
A Rolls-Royce automobile
A digital photograph by Rolf van Widenfelt
A glass of wine